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My Favorite Things


I love chocolate and family. Friends and cupcakes. Oh, and dinner I don’t have to cook myself. I absolutely love dinner I don’t have to cook myself.

And writing. I love writing.

On this journey to become an author, I’ve met some really amazing people. Here are a few of my writer friends and mentors. They are a wonderfully diverse group.

There is L.A. Mitchell. She’s my writing coach. That means, in the words of Jerry Maguire, she makes me a better person. And by person, I mean writer–she makes me a better writer. Her talents with a highlighter and track changes know no bounds.

Of course there’s Diane Holiday, my critique partner extraordinaire. Diane writes romantic suspense and, get this, she’s a 2016 Golden Heart® Finalist! I’m so proud of her. Someday she’ll take me out boating on the ocean. It’ll be epic. We’ll discuss deep point-of-view and the correct use of ellipses.

Click here for Jody Holford‘s website. She writes sweet romance and has a heart of gold. I adore her, and her writing. Someday I’ll get to put a stamp on my passport when I visit Jody in Canada. Unless they don’t stamp passports in Canada… I should find out. In any case, check out her books.

Dylann Crush has supported my writing from early on. She writes spicy contemporary romance with unique and fun premises. And humor, she infuses loads of this into her writing. Dylann loathes waterparks and enjoys chatting with me on the phone. Or, so I presume. I keep calling and she keeps answering, so…

The incredibly wonderful Renee Ann Miller is a goddess of historical and contemporary romance writing. In her spare time, she is a trail mix connoisseur with a particular taste for the kinds that include chocolate and banana chips. She’s also a Golden Heart Finalist® twice over (2015 & 2016).